Post-OP Instructions

For patients having only Hysteroscopy:

  1. This procedure has no incision. Therefore, the day after surgery, you can usually return to normal activities. These includes exercise, driving, working, and traveling. You can shower each day.
  2. Since the cervix is dilated, you should try to allow for passage of fluids and avoid infection. Therefore, refrain from douching, tampon, sexual intercourse, swimming, or tub soaks for 2 weeks after this procedure.
  3. There may be some light vaginal bleeding and mild cramps. This should resolve within a few days to a week.
  4. The cramping should be mild.  Over the counter pain medications such as Advil or Tylenol should be sufficient to control your pain.

Please call the doctor for heavy bleeding, severe pain, fever of 101°F, vomiting, or abdominal distention.

Please call our office (207-200-7671) for a postoperative appointment in 2 weeks.

For patients having Laparoscopy, with or without Hysteroscopy:

  1. This procedure has 3 or 4 small (usually 5-8 mm) incisions.
  2. When you arrive home, you can go up and down stairs. Initially, you will be tired and sore, so you will pick and choose your trips up and down the stairs. 
  3. You can shower each morning, starting in the morning of the 1st day following surgery. You do not scrub/wash the incisions, but it is fine to let the incisions get wet. Gently blot dry with a towel.  Wear loose stretchy clothing position so it does not rub against an incision.
  4. Refrain from douching, tampon, sexual intercourse, swimming, or tub soaks for 2 weeks.
  5. Refrain from lifting more than 15 pounds.  Avoid heavy exertion and abdominal exercise for 2 weeks.
  6. There may be some light bleeding, small clots, mild cramps, some incision discomfort, and shoulder pain. These discomforts should gradually resolve and you should feel progressively better over time.
  7. Advil/Ibuprofen/Motrin/Aleve and Tylenol are the primary pain medications. The Advil and Tylenol work differently so they are safe to use together and these 2 types of medications used together give better pain relief than either medication used alone. Every 3 hours you can alternate 600 mg (3  tablets) of Advil and 650 mg (2 tablets) of Tylenol, as needed for pain.   Dr. Lucas may prescribe stronger medication depending on your specific case.
  8. It costs a lot of energy to heal after any procedure. It is important to get a lot of rest. It is also important to be up walking 4 times per day. Walking will help in several ways:
  • It will avoid lung infections
  • It will avoid blood clots in the legs
  • It will help the bowels get back into functioning
  • If you walk, then every day you will be less tender and feel better

Please call the doctor for heavy bleeding, severe pain, fever of 101ºF, vomiting, or abdominal distention.

Please call our office (207-200-7671) for a postoperative appointment in 2 weeks.

If you're ready to get started, or if you have any questions, please call the office at (207) 200-7671 or send us a message, we'd love to hear from you.

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